Billing Engineering

Billing Engineering

Billing is the documentary aspect of the work done, through which payments can be made to the person involved in the contract and responsible to complete the work. Imperfect Billing can cause considerable losses to the contractor or the client. Hence, bills should be perfect and self explanatory at any stage of the work. Bills from the work sites are to be prepared on a standard printed format. All information in this format should be correctly incorporated to avoid confusion while checking. 
Every organization should maintain certain procedural systems, methods and norms for preparing bills and forwarding them through the right channels for payments to the client and contractor. 

Bills are generally prepared by the client , contractor , sub-contractor and different vendors for their payment and for proper execution of the works at the sites.

What is Billing Engineering? 

Billing is the documentary aspect of the work done, through which payments can be made to the person involved in the contract and responsible to complete the work. Imperfect Billing can cause considerable losses to the contractor or the client. Hence, bills should be perfect and self explanatory at any stage of the work. Bills from the work sites are to be prepared on a standard printed format. All information in this format should be correctly incorporated to avoid confusion while checking. 

Every organization should maintain certain procedural systems, methods and norms for preparing bills and forwarding them through the right channels for payments to the client and contractor. 

Bills are generally prepared by the client , contractor , sub-contractor and different vendors for their payment and for proper execution of the works at the sites.

Types of Bills 
Generally, the following types of bills are prepared at various stages of work during building constructions 

  • Advance bills

    • R.A bills
    • Cash bills
    • Final bills

    Advance Bills
    Advance bills can be prepared for the following : 
    • For material contract , the advance bill can be prepared against the material dumped on site by the contractor.
    • The advance bill for the items of work that are expected to be completed within a scheduled period can be forwarded to avoid delay in payments.
    • If bills submitted from site ) are not clear or Billing Engineer wants to cross-check the measurements, quantities and stages of work , then to avoid delay, advance payment against the bill can be prepared.
    Documents and Information required to check advance bill : 
    If the contract is with material and labor 
    • Name of Contractor, name of site, date, advance note number, previous advance details etc.
    • Agreement of Contract.
    • Basic rate for material supply.
    • Conditions in the contract for percentage of advance against supply of material.
    • Quality report of material from site with quantity, approved brand name, challan number and specimen samples of the received material.
    If the contract is for only labour work 
    • Name of the contractor, name of site, date, advance note number, previous advance details etc.
    • Documents required from site to project the work details, approximate costing of the work to be done, labour strength available at site, overall speed of the work etc.
    • Advance bill should be prepared on the payment challan by the site engineer.
    • The bills should be forwarded to accounts department for arithmetical checking after checking by the Billing Engineer.
    • The cheque, if ready, is forwarded to the engineering department for issuing it to the contractor with proper entries.
      Bills are prepared at the site for the work done. They are also called interim bills. These bills should be prepared every fortnight. Normally, payments to contractor are done on a weekly/fortnight basis. Hence, the bills should be updated. If there is no work progress of a particular contractor, the following remark should be made on the R.A. bill – “ Work status same as previous R.A Bill No.”

      Documents Required for BILL 
      • Agreement of Contracts : Item rate/built-up area basis.
      • Quality report of material, from the site, if contract is with material.
      • Copy of material testing certificate
      • Name of site, name of the contractor, bill No. And date.
      • Payment challans, abstract and measurement sheets.
      • Samples and brand name of material used
      • Contractor’s sign and Project Engineer’s sign on the bills
      • Contractor’s sign for hidden measurements, such as quantity of excavation in foundations etc.
      Cash bill are required to be prepared for the payments for the following items.
      • Weekly payments for the department labourers.
      • Petty contractors for small work/job work.
      • For urgent work done, on a lump- sum basis.
      • Any other bills which need to be paid in cash depending on the individuals requirements.
      Documents and information required for cash bill 
      • Agreement with contractor
      • Approval rates for various departmental laboureres.
      • Clarifications report for approval of new rates, if any.
      • Drawings for the details of work done.
      • Signature of contractor on payment challan.
      • Payment challan, measurement sheet , abstract sheet .
      • The Chief Engineer’s sign for advanced approved for weekly cash bill.
      • Cash bills to be submitted every week to the billing dfivison.
      • The bills should be forwarded to the accounts department at least two days in advance, after checking by the Billing Divison, for making the necessary arrangements for payments.
      • Payments can be made to the site in charge , one day prior to weekly payment day, after the checking by the Account Department, so that he can make the payments at the site on time.
      • The final bills should be cleared after 100% completion of the work by the contractor.
      • Joint measurements should be taken by the Engineer, along with the Contractor or his representative.
      • The following points should be considered while preparing the final bill.
        • Take reference of measurements from earlier R.A. bills.
        • 100% measurements and quality details are required in final bills.
        • Repetition of item should be checked by the Engineer.
        • Consider the work done by the other agencies.
        • Bill/measurements should be self explanatory.
        • Start collecting the details for the final bills, well in advance.
      CAD TABS Professional certification Course in Billing Engineering ( Billing Engineering Course Content ) 
      • Understanding the role and responsibilities of Professional Billing Engineer in the construction works.
      • Types of bills
      • Types of contract agreements to be consider for billing works.
      • Procedure for preparing bills at the sites.
      • Checking of bills.
      • Procedure of payments against Billing.
      • Construction Billing Procedures from client side as well as contractor side.
      • Procedure of Payment against Billing.
      • Interim Payment Certification ( IPC) from client side as well as contractor side.
      • Bill Making
      • CPWD Norms and Techniques of Billing.
      • Billing with GST.
      • Claims and Disputes Settlement Procedure involve in Billing Works and Management Information System (MIS) generation for the same.
      • Third party sub-contractor Billing.
      • Joint Venture Companies Billing.
      • Petty/Vendor Billing.
      • Record updating by the Billing Engineer.
      • Measurement of Works as per as IS code.
      • Modes Of Bill Payment.
      • Quantity Variance claim as per as the CPWD.(Government of INDIA).
      • Site Wise monthly statement of payment for labour contractors.
      • Price variations claims as per as the CPWD. ( Government of INDIA).
      • Material Bill Reconciliation Technique by Contractor in comparison of vendor and client.
      • Bill Management Techniques.
      • Standard form of bills and contracts Techniques according to FIDIC.
      • Interim Bill Payment Certifications.
      • Cash flow generation Techniques for the contractor.
      • Work flow generations Techniques for the contractor .
      • TDS certificate Issue Register.
      • DPC certification Issue Register.
      • Claims of Extra Item Analysis of All kinds of Civil Works during the site Execution as well as Post Contracting period.

      There is a huge opportunity for the civil engineers who are beginners and working professionals to get job in the construction companies as a Billing Engineer by doing the professional training in the Billing Engineering Course. Billing Engineer Maintain and balanced the cash flow generations and work flow of any projects at the sites by monitoring the works from the office itself. Reinforce Quantity surveyors and training Institute is the leading best training institute of Billing Engineering in India. Every Billing Engineer must have the knowledge of estimation and coasting, BBS ( Bar Bending Schedule ) , Rate analysis as per as DAR and market rate , Labour and machinery analysis , which enables them to the billing works at different stage of construction with efficiency and accuracy. Almost every construction companies around the globe always demands and releases the large number of vacancies for the Billing Engineer post.

      Billing Engineering Courses can also be done by the students those pursuing their Diploma in Civil Engineering or B tech in civil engineering from different engineering colleges in India , fresher or beginners and by the working professionals ( site engineer, construction supervisor) etc.

      CAD TABS trained more than 2000 students in the billing engineering course . Billing Engineer required and necessity in the every construction projects like building projects in India, road projects in India , bridges projects in India and tunnel projects in India.

      Billing Engineer of the various construction companies play a vital role at the time of tendering 


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